AHA NRP, All Services, BabyFriendly(tm) Policy, Breastfeeding Education, Labor and Delivery, Labor Delivery Track for New Grad RN's, Maternal Child Health, Neonatal Intensive Care NICU, New Grad Maternal Child Program, New Graduates of Nursing, NICU Track for New Grad RN's, Nursing Advocacy, Obstetric Track, Orange County, San Diego, Specialty
Become a Breastfeeding Advocate
Education for professionals, or the lack of it, has been and continues to be a barrier to breastfeeding. A healthcare provider’s attitude, personal beliefs and values can greatly impact a mother’s ability to initiate or maintain breastfeeding. Certainly, the lack of support from healthcare providers is related to the difficulties healthy women experience with breastfeeding. Despite efforts to improve breastfeeding management, healthcare professionals, including doctors and nurses, continue to give poor advice on this matter. Poor advice has taken different forms; sometimes it actually has been no advice. Moreover, patients wholeheartedly trust their primary nurses and doctors. Healthcare providers who are not proficient in breastfeeding promotion, initiation and protection may advice patients to…
Advanced Fetal Heart Monitoring
AWHONN Advanced Fetal Heart Monitoring AWHONN Fetal Heart Monitoring Program Advanced Fetal Heart Monitoring $ 150 00 Does Not Include Student Materials Virtual Session Required: Advanced Workshop – Student Material (7th Edition) Duration: 1 Day Nursing contact hours / CME credit issued by AWHONN Click to Purchase the Advanced FHM Student Materials Be Prepared Purchase your materials a week before class. Go to Kendal Hunt to purchase the Student Materials for $110. Advanced Workshop – Student Material can not be purchased at Nurses Educational Opportunities (NEO®). Advanced Student Materials 6th Edition Click the button to purchase the Student Materials on Kendall Hunt. Click to Purchase Purchase the Student Materials Students…
Intermediate Fetal Heart Monitoring
AWHONN Intermediate Fetal Heart Monitoring AWHONN Fetal Heart Monitoring Program Intermediate Fetal Heart Monitoring $ 235 00 Does Not Include Student Materials In-Class Session Required: Intermediate Course – Student Material – Print Book (7th Edition) $135 Hybrid Course: 1 Day pre-course online 1 Day instructed session nursing contact hours / CME credit issued by AWHONN Click to Purchase the Intermediate FHM Student Materials Currently we ONLY have IFM in our Costa Mesa location… Be Prepared Purchase your materials a week before class. Go to Kendal Hunt to purchase the Intermediate Course – Student Material – Print Book (7th Edition) for $135. The Intermediate Student Materials cannot be purchased at Nurses…
Basic Fetal Heart Monitoring
Maternal Child Training Program Basic Fetal Heart Monitoring Basic FHM may be taken individually or with the discount package Course Information $ 200 00 In-person Course Textbook Included Awarded 6 CEs Preferred for Entry Level Positions About Basic Fetal Heart Monitoring The Basic Fetal Heart Monitoring course is a comprehensive introductory program tailored for individuals who are new to fetal heart monitoring. In this session, participants will acquire essential skills for conducting fetal surveillance using electronic Fetal Monitoring. Throughout the course, participants will gain insights into the role of the nurse during the antepartum period and learn how to obtain the necessary information for conducting appropriate antenatal tests. Additionally, students…
AHA ACLS, AHA NRP, Breastfeeding Education, Courses, Fetal Heart Monitoring, Labor and Delivery, Labor Delivery Track for New Grad RN's, Maternal Child Health, Neonatal Intensive Care NICU, New Grad Maternal Child Program, New Graduates of Nursing, NICU Track for New Grad RN's, NRP Skills, Obstetric Track, Orange County, Reviews AHA/AAP NRP, San Diego
NRP Skills
American Academy of Pediatrics Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP) Choose 1 of the Following AAP NRP Skills Session 8th Edition NRP Instructions STEP 1 Schedule your AAP NRP skills session below. Afterwards, you will receive an email with pre-study materials and instructions on how to navigate the new learning platform. Step 2 Click on the laptop icon to access the website, then select the NRP 8th Edition Learning Platform button. All students will have to create a new account. Step 3 Depending on experience, select either the Essentials or Advanced exam. Read below for more guidance. Once completed, either email or bring a copy of the part 1 certificate. Step 4…