Birth & Beyond Lactation

Baby Friendly USA

NEO’s Birth and Beyond is sanctioned by Breastfeed LA and Baby Friendly USA

Course Information

$ 210
  • Virtual Session (Live Zoom meeting)
    & In-person Schedule
  • Textbook Included
  • 5- Hour Training

Course Information

$ 210
  • In-person Schedule
  • Textbook Included
  • 5- Hour Training

Virtual Session (Zoom meeting) Schedule

Costa Mesa In-person Class Schedule

To summarize, Birth and Beyond Lactation is based on the broad framework of the “Ten steps to successful breastfeeding.” Currently there is a lack of breastfeeding education for healthcare providers. Accordingly, our goal is to empower nurses with education so that they may help increase breastfeeding initiation and duration.

In short, students will review the anatomy and physiology of the breast, plus the stages of milk production. A discussion on the science behind the Golden Hour includes oxytocin, skin to skin and bonding. Moreover, students will learn how to counsel families about the benefits of breast milk. Our instructor will provide training on how to assist mothers with proper positioning and latching. Other topics include storage, special considerations, breastfeeding in the NICU, and much more. Lastly, Birth and Beyond Lactation is a Staff Training Curriculum that meets the Baby-Friendly USA 4-D Pathway Guidelines.

The Baby Friendly USA Hospital Initiative encourages the implementation of the Ten Steps To Successful Breastfeeding. On the other hand, Birth and Beyond Lactation is a California initiative that provides hospital staff with adequate Baby-Friendly training. Above all, the goal of the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative, is to recognize hospitals that implement the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding; but also provide a positive environment for breastfeeding mothers. In addition, this global program includes the International Code of Marketing of Breast Milk Substitutes.

To illustrate, before a hospital can receive this prestigious accreditation, it must go through a rigorous designation process. However, training nurses in the skills needed to implement these policies has proven challenging; accordingly, hospitals prefer to hire nurses who have knowledge of how to help mothers to successfully breastfeed. Because most hospitals are aiming to become Baby Friendly, all nurses desiring to enter the field of Maternal Child Health Nursing should consider Birth and Beyond Lactation Training. To conclude, Birth and Beyond Lactation Training is a valuable class which will greatly contribute to your skills. Learn which USA Hospitals are Baby Friendly.

Contact us if you have any questions regarding the Birth and Beyond Lactation certification.

Orange County Office: 714-979-4022

San Diego Office: 858-748-3300


Discounts can only be applied by phone. Additionally, discount packages cannot be modified. However, we offer other discount packages for our AHA and Acute Care courses.