AHA NRP, Article, BabyFriendly(tm) Policy, Breastfeeding Education, Fetal Heart Monitoring, Labor and Delivery, Labor Delivery Track for New Grad RN's, Maternal Child Health, Neonatal Intensive Care NICU, New Grad Maternal Child Program, New Graduates of Nursing, NICU Track for New Grad RN's, Nursing Advocacy, Obstetric Track
Baby-Friendly Hospital
World Breastfeeding Week is around the corner, August 1-7, 2016! If your dream job is working with moms and babies all day long, your ears might e screaming in pain from hearing about the BabyFriendly Hospital Initiative. A little known fact is that in California, BabyFriendly training is also called Birth&Beyond approved. That’s the state program that distributes the funding and training materials across the state. Want to get that Postpartum job? Let’s jump right in! What is BabyFriendly(tm)? Why is BFHI important for getting a job in postpartum, for New Grads and Transition Nurses? How you can become BFHI certified? The Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) is a global program sponsored…
Basic Fetal Monitoring
The first step towards Fetal Monitoring Expertise. Baby Saving starts before birth by preparing the mother for successful outcome by determining the risk factors that contribute to poor outcomes. [box-group id=6] Classes Offered Every Month Orange County & San Diego *Check our MEGA-EVENTS for Discounts [restabs alignment=”osc-tabs-left” pills=”nav-pills” responsive=”true” icon=”true” text=”More” tabcolor=”#dd3333″ tabheadcolor=”#ffffff” seltabcolor=”#dd3333″ seltabheadcolor=”#ffffff” tabhovercolor=”#1e73be”] [restab title=”Schedule” active=”active”] Please enable Javascript in order to get <a href=”https://www.healcode.com” target=”_blank”>HealCode</a> functionality [/restab] [restab title=”Objectives”] The course includes Instructor presentation Video of instrumentation of fetal heart monitoring Practice strips PRE-REQUISITES No…
AWHONN Advanced Fetal Monitoring
From the Experts of Fetal Monitoring Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN) Initiative. The Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN) is the official organization that promotes guidelines for Fetal Monitoring. Course Fee: $100 Contact Hours: 8 CEs (awarded by AWHONN after class examination) Student Materials: AWHONN Advanced Student Materials (4th Ed.) $105 PRE-REQUISITES Basic Fetal Monitoring At least 1 year clinical experience in Labor & Delivery is required. Re-entry Nurses, and practicing nurses seeking entry in Maternal Child Care are encouraged to attend. This is a 1-day course. This course uses a case study approach to analyze complicated FHM patterns and characteristics. The course includes maternal-fetal physiology,…
AWHONN Intermediate Fetal Monitoring
From the Experts of Fetal Monitoring Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN) Initiative. The Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN) is the official organization that promotes guidelines for Fetal Monitoring. Class Fee: $225 Contact Hours: 18 CEs (awarded by AWHONN after class examination) Required Student Materials: AWHONN Intermediate Student Materials (4th Ed) $125 REQUIRED: AWHONN Intermediate Student Material, 5th Edition Price: $120 PRE-REQUISITES Basic Fetal Monitoring or Introductory Fetal Heart Monitoring Course Currently use FHM technology in their perinatal settings Nurses, and students/graduates of Nursing are encouraged to attend. Intermediate Fetal Heart Monitoring is an excellent course to…