AHA ACLS, AHA NRP, All Services, BabyFriendly(tm) Policy, Breastfeeding Education, Fetal Heart Monitoring, Labor and Delivery, Maternal Child Health, Neonatal Intensive Care NICU, New Grad Maternal Child Program, New Graduates of Nursing, NRP Skills, Nursing Advocacy, San Diego
The Baby Friendly Initiative History
Congratulations Southern California Nurses, for your efforts in promoting the Baby Friendly Initiative. Hospitals and Maternal-Child Health departments have set a powerful example for women nationwide. To summarize, in 2007 only 29% of USA hospitals used breastfeeding measures. By 2013, this percentage increased to 54%. Additionally, in California, rates increased to as much as 94% for some breastfeeding and 70% for exclusive breastfeeding. Indeed, the attainment of Baby Friendly designation has proven to be a strenuous, but worthwhile journey. More than one million infants die worldwide every year because they are not breastfed exclusively for 6 months. If 90% of babies were breastfed exclusively for 6 months, 911 lives could…
AHA NRP, All Services, BabyFriendly(tm) Policy, Breastfeeding Education, Labor and Delivery, Labor Delivery Track for New Grad RN's, Maternal Child Health, Neonatal Intensive Care NICU, New Grad Maternal Child Program, New Graduates of Nursing, NICU Track for New Grad RN's, Nursing Advocacy, Obstetric Track, Orange County, San Diego, Specialty
Become a Breastfeeding Advocate
Education for professionals, or the lack of it, has been and continues to be a barrier to breastfeeding. A healthcare provider’s attitude, personal beliefs and values can greatly impact a mother’s ability to initiate or maintain breastfeeding. Certainly, the lack of support from healthcare providers is related to the difficulties healthy women experience with breastfeeding. Despite efforts to improve breastfeeding management, healthcare professionals, including doctors and nurses, continue to give poor advice on this matter. Poor advice has taken different forms; sometimes it actually has been no advice. Moreover, patients wholeheartedly trust their primary nurses and doctors. Healthcare providers who are not proficient in breastfeeding promotion, initiation and protection may advice patients to…
AHA NRP, Article, BabyFriendly(tm) Policy, Breastfeeding Education, Fetal Heart Monitoring, Labor and Delivery, Labor Delivery Track for New Grad RN's, Maternal Child Health, Neonatal Intensive Care NICU, New Grad Maternal Child Program, New Graduates of Nursing, NICU Track for New Grad RN's, Nursing Advocacy, Obstetric Track
Baby-Friendly Hospital
World Breastfeeding Week is around the corner, August 1-7, 2016! If your dream job is working with moms and babies all day long, your ears might e screaming in pain from hearing about the BabyFriendly Hospital Initiative. A little known fact is that in California, BabyFriendly training is also called Birth&Beyond approved. That’s the state program that distributes the funding and training materials across the state. Want to get that Postpartum job? Let’s jump right in! What is BabyFriendly(tm)? Why is BFHI important for getting a job in postpartum, for New Grads and Transition Nurses? How you can become BFHI certified? The Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) is a global program sponsored…