Placental Encapsulation
Placental Encapsulation
For 9 months the gravid woman has produced an organ rich in vitamins, minerals, and even hormones to produce an infant. Then after infants are delivered the placenta is often discarded. Women are now choosing to keep their placenta to encapsulate the tissue and consume it in the postpartum period.
The Benefits of Placenta Encapsulation:
- Helps to balance your hormones
- Replenish depleted iron levels
- Assist the uterus to return to its pre-pregnancy state
- Reduces post-natal bleeding
- Increases milk production – a proven concept
- Make for a happier, more enjoyable post-natal period
- Increases your energy level
Encapsulation Process:
- Locate an encapsulation service. They will collect the placenta within 48 hours of birth. It will take 4-5 days to have your placenta encapsulated. You will want them as soon as possible.
- The placenta is washed well and any clots of blood are removed.
- Some encapsulates steam the placenta and some dehydrate the placenta.
- The placenta is ground down into powder form and placed into capsules.
- The capsules can be stored in a dark cupboard at room temperature or stored in the refrigerator.
Unfortunately there has been very little human research done into placentophagy. The Placenta Benefits website does have some related research information but no major studies have been done. However, it does make sense at a time in your life when your hormones are under a major upheaval and you have lost a great deal of blood (leaving you prone to iron deficiency) that the placenta can provide these benefits to help avoid iron deficiency as well as its side effects which include depression and low mood.
In our New Grad Program for the Maternal Child Cluster we discuss many innovative concepts to care for ourselves and newborns in the postpartum period. It seems this is a bit “out there” but actually has been in practice for hundreds and even thousands of years to put back as much as we can.

One Comment
I would highly recommend this. I did it after giving birth to both of my children and had no post partum depression. If interested, contact a local birthing center, not the hospital. They usually know of local people who will encapsulate for you. All mothers in the animal world consume the placenta after birth and for good reason.