WOW – Bonding and Attachment
We talk about Bonding and Attachment in the first few hours of life with importance. Bonding is the process of forming attachment. Bonding, therefore, involves a set of behaviors that will help lead to an emotional connection (attachment). But how important is it? What is the ultimate outcome of not bonding and no attachment? Ultimately those that are bulling or shooting others may arise from poor bonding and attachment. We certainly don’t think our brand new baby will be the school yard bully or the child that gets a gun and shoots other children in our schools. Yet, the initial brain develops neural chemical activities that are responsible for healthy…
Safe Delivery through the First 24 Hours of Life
The public expects to receive safe quality care every time they interact with a healthcare provider and the health system. Healthy babies far outnumber those who are sick but maternal-child health professionals must remain vigilant for the unexpectedly sick or preterm infant. Adequate preparation includes education, skill acquisition, proper equipment, and trained personnel. Babies are vulnerable in the first few hours of life and short and long term outcomes may be affected by the actions taken in the first hours and days after birth. Accurate diagnosis monitoring and communication all contribute to the safety and improved outcomes. For newborn emergencies of respiratory, cardiac, and gastrointestinal disorders consider taking Neonatal Assessment…
WOW – Timing is Everything
Timing is everything. During the first three years of life the human brain develops 90% of adult size and puts in place the majority of systems and structures that will be responsible for all future emotional behavioral functioning during the rest of life. The most critical periods appear to be in the first year of life. WOW
How does Hypothermia Cause Hypoglycemia in Infants?
Maintaining temperature is very important. When an infant’s skin becomes cold, the skin sends messages to the brain and in turn the brain sends out norepinephrine. Norepinephrine causes peripheral vasoconstriction and the blood is shunted to the core of the body. The vasoconstriction of the peripheral circulation also causes vasoconstriction results of the pulmonary system. Now, the blood can’t get to the lungs to pick up the needed oxygen in the lungs and therefore, shunts through the Foremen Ovale. Now, the blood is hypoxemic and when the blood arrives to the tissues, the tissues become hypoxic. Therefore, the body must resort to anaerobic metabolism and lactic acid is produced. When…
Biomechanics in TNCC
I load my SUV with all sorts of “stuff” to transport “stuff” back and forth from Costa Mesa to San Diego. I hate it when this “stuff” slides around in the back when I accelerate and break. This “stuff” crashes around in the back going from side to side and front to back. That’s what happens in your brain when in a Motor Vehicle Crash. The brain crashes from front to back with accelerated forces and deceleration forces and ultimately causes brain damage. In a motor vehicle crash you can be thrust over the dash board or pushed down and under the dashboard with accelerated forces. Over the dash can…