The Mother-Friendly Childbirth Initiative
The Coalition for Improving Maternity Services (CIMS) is a coalition of individuals and national organizations with concern for the care and wellbeing of mothers, babies, and families Our mission is to promote a wellness model of maternity care that will improve birth outcomes and substantially reduce cost. The evidence- based mother/baby/and family friendly model focuses on prevention and wellness as the alternative to high cost screening, diagnosis, and treatment programs. In spite of spending far more money per capita on maternity and newborn care than any other country, the United States falls behind most industrialized countries in perinatal morbidity and mortality, and maternity mortality is four times greater for African-American…
WOW – Bullying and Breastmilk
Indeed, many researchers and clinicians feel that the maternal-child attachment provides the working framework for all subsequent relationships that the child will develop. A solid and healthy attachment with a primary care giver appears to be associated with a high probability of healthy relationships with others while poor attachment with the mother or primary caregiver appears to be associated with a host of emotional and behavioral problems later in life. We certainly do not see our adorable newborn as growing up and becoming a school yard bully and we certainly do not envision him or her to acquire a gun and shoot his schoolmates. So why do some children have…
CPR Week
What is the difference between Acute Coronary Syndromes and Sudden Cardiac Arrest Providing CPR and First Aid during the Summer – burns, drowning, choking, CPR, dog CPR. Common CPR mistakes ..that we’ll never, ever do! https://learnatvivid.com/blog/7-common-cpr-mistakes
How to Start CPR?
Providing CPR to adults 1. Assess for Scene Safety Before approaching an unresponsive victim, ensure that your surroundings are safe. If the scene is not safe, you are putting yourself and/or other bystanders at risk of injury. Here are a few examples of scene that is NOT safe: The victim is surrounded by fire, poison, or exposed electric circuits The victim is stuck inside of a totaled car There is gunfire or violence occurring in the surroundings If the scene is not safe, call 911. You may move or drag the victim to a safe area if it is safe for you to do so. 2. Check for responsiveness and calling 911…
Having Fun with CPR
Having fun with CPR training CPR Week is a serious subject, and people want to learn how to save a life. It’s a nifty skill to have. Sometimes people want to have fun with CPR Week. This is what happens when a you’re learning CPR, and the manneqin – comes to life, literally! z