Renew BLS, ACLS, and PALS in One Day
To complete ACLS, PALS, and BLS in one day, the AHA offers Heartcode courses online. After completing the Heartcode online course, you can complete your skills for all three classes in one day.
Before you sign up for a Heartcode clas, read the Pros and Cons of Heartcode classes.
Pros: The online exam offers convenience to take it from home, or during breaks at work. The skill sessions are abotu 2 hours long for each class.
Cons: The online exam costs $135, and the skills are an additional $100 per class. The cost per class is approximately $235. That’s a lot more expensive than paying $155-$165 for a classroom based ACLS or PALS. Heartcode classes are very thorough and extensive. In additoin to the videos, and multiple choice exam, you need to pass all 10 Core Case scnearios for PALS, and 6 Core Case Scenarios for ACLS. These scenarios are electronic simulations, and take a little getting used. not for the faint of heart!
There is a lot of misinformation about Heartcode in the community…”it’s faster, it’s easier, it’s cheaper”. What we’ve found out is that none of it true for 90% of people taking Heartcode.
Heartcode sessions are offered by appointment. Contact us to schedule.
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