• ICU/ER Track

    Fundamentals of Mechanical Ventilation

    Power Your Profession Fundamentals of Mechanical Ventilation Our Mech. Vent certification may be taken individually or with the 5-Finger Discount Topics Covered Anatomy & Physiology of the Lungs Review of cardiopulmonary ventilation, in particular we will discuss oxygen radicals and oxy-hemoglobin dissociation. Ventilator Settings & Modes RR, VT, PEEP and FIO2 settings in relation to a ventilator. In addition, topics covered include AC, SIMV and pressure support ventilator modes. Scope of Practice and Nursing Understand your role with mechanical ventilation. Learn how you can assist the interdisciplinary team safely and without crossing boundaries. Ventilator Complications Learn how to prevent or respond to ventilator associated pneumonia, Auto-PEEP, Barotrauma, breath staking and…